Personalized assistance in your own space

In-home supports service is a residential service that takes place in the individual’s home, family home, or community settings that supplement the primary care provided by the individual, family, or other unpaid caregiver. Our In-home supports ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individuals. Our services include skill building component, along with the provision of supports that enable an individual to acquire, retain, or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills required for successfully living in the community. Age range for In-home support is 5 years and older, it can sometimes be 24 hours monitoring.

Activities include the following as may be appropriate for the individual as documented in his/her plan for supports:

  • Skill-building and routine supports related to ADLs and IADLs
  • Skill-building, routine supports, and safety supports related to the use of community resources, such as transportation, shopping, dining at restaurants, and participating in social and recreational activities
  • Supporting the individual in replacing challenging behaviors with positive, accepted behaviors for home and community environments
  • Monitoring the individual’s health and physical condition and providing routine and safety supports with medication or other medical needs
  • Providing supports with transportation to and from community sites and resources and
  • Providing general supports as needed

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